Basic Module - Events
Management and sale of individual visitor offers (public tours, readings, concerts, etc.)
Base modules define sellable products in go~mus. One product group that can be managed and sold with go~mus is that of individual visitor offers.
Single-visitor offers are different from group offers and are characterized by creating appointments in advance. Many visitors can book partial quotas of the total quota of the appointment.
This makes it possible to map a variety of offers, like public tours, readings, concerts and many more.
The event module allows you to create any number of different offers with any number of dates and offer them through the connected sales channels.
Customers receive booking receipts for events (event tickets) as Print@Home tickets in PDF format.
Every event managed with go~mus is based on a template, the offer. Based on the offer, dates for the offer, i.e. the actual events, can be created with little effort.
This applies to individual events as well as to event series.
All events (dates of such a single-visitor offer) share the following characteristics:
- Duration
- Constant assignments
- Room assignments
- Guide assignments
- Figure
go~mus offers different possibilities to determine prices and costs of an offer. In doing so, go~mus always falls back on so-called pricing items. These can come from a connected merchandise management system or be defined directly in go~mus and contain, in addition to the price, above all the taxes.
The following approaches to pricing single visitor offers exist in go~mus:
Flat rate
Single-visitor offers are rarely priced as a flat rate. However, in rare cases, this approach may be needed or a combined approach of flat price and surcharges may be suitable.
For this purpose, the pricing item is simply assigned to the offer and then applies to all dates of the offer upon registration, regardless of the number of participants.
Graduated prices
As a rule, events are priced per person.
To do this, simply create the tariffs/scale prices, describe them, assign pricing articles and activate sales channels.
If a room including seating is assigned to an offer, i.e. the dates of the offer take place in a room with a seating plan, the prices of the offer categories of the seatings can be defined.
Regular pricing structures often contain exceptions. One of the ways to map them in the system are surcharges. Surcharges can be defined as optional and mandatory and apply per group or per attendee. Furthermore, it can be defined whether surcharges should also be booked in the online shop. There are surcharges based on a price that customers have to pay and based on a fee that has to be paid to guides.
go~mus allows the following types of surcharges:
- General surcharges: Any surcharges can be mapped here. Since there are no underlying rules, this is best suited to represent optional additional services.
- Sunday surcharges: This can be used to automatically calculate a surcharge for all bookings to which the surcharge applies and which take place on Sundays.
- Customer foreign language surcharge: This can be used to pass on higher guide fee costs for foreign language tours to customers.
- Foreign language surcharge guide fee: This can be used to automatically calculate a surcharge on the guide fee for all bookings in foreign languages (all languages except German).
- Special surcharge fee: Special surcharges on the guide fee can be booked here.
- Language surcharge: Unlike foreign language surcharges, language surcharges can also be charged on bookings in German.
- Weekday surcharge: This can be used to automatically calculate surcharges if bookings are made on certain weekdays.
- Participants surcharge: Depending on the number of participants, these surcharges allow the definition of a combined price structure. This consists of a flat basic price and a participant-related pricing if the number of predefined participants is exceeded.
- Time-based surcharge: Time-based surcharges are only applied if the start time of the booking falls within the defined period.
Such surcharges can be created globally, per museum, per exhibition and per offer and are considered hierarchically by go~mus.
Payment methods
go~mus allows to define per offer which payment methods are available.
This does not include the payment methods offered by the payment service provider in the online shop. Since these cannot be defined on an offer-specific basis, they are defined globally in the backend of the payment service provider.
However, it is possible to configure, for example, whether an offer can be booked on account or on “on-site payment”.
Guide fee
In addition to the prices, the costs are also defined in the offer.
The guide fee can be defined per booking or per hour. This value is automatically used for the fee calculation when booking the offer.
From the offer, hence the event template, appointments have to be created. For the creation of individual appointments, go~mus offers a weekly and daily calendar view.
This enables to check why no appointment can be created at a certain point in time. Thus makes it possible to quickly and purposefully make adjustments to the settings or clarify resource conflicts.
In this way, individual appointments can be created quickly and efficiently, taking into account the configured resource requirements.
For regular appointments and appointment series go~mus offers a series appointment generator.
This allows to create up to 50 regular appointments per run.
During the creation, the holidays managed in the constants of the system can be used as exclusion or inclusion criteria.
The title, subtitle and description of the events can be entered in the languages managed in the system, so that the online shop displays the events correctly in all the languages stored.
The title, subtitle and description can be enriched using various placeholders. The following placeholders are available:
- [[COUNT]] Counter as number
- [[ROMAN_COUNT]] Counter as roman number (I, II …)
- [[ALPH_COUNT]] Counter as alphabetic character (A, B …)
- [[LALPH_COUNT]] Counter as alphabetic character (a, b …)
- [[DATE]] 02.07.2021
- [[TIME]] 12:20 o’clock
- [[WDAY]] Friday
- [[DATE_TIME]] Friday, 02 July 2021, 12:20 p.m.
This way, regular dates such as public tours can be created quickly and reliably and labeled in a comprehensible way.
In addition to controlling the sales channels, the saleability of group offers can still be controlled by the following parameters:
- Periods for validity: Enables the temporal control of the bookable dates (For when can it be bought).
- Periods for saleability: Enables the temporal control of the saleability (When can it be sold)
- Shop Assignments: Enables multi-shop instances to control in which online shop which offer is sold.
- Institutions: Allows to enable the purchase of offers only to customers who belong to specific institutions.
go~mus enables the sale of single-visitor offers through the following sales channels: Online store, Checkout, Backend, Reseller.
For each offer it is possible to define through which channels it can be sold.
Additionally, it can be defined which scale price is available through which channel. For more information, see Prices and costs.
Registrations for appointments of individual visitor offers require the prior creation of appointments.
The same resources are considered for the creation of these appointments as for group offerings.
Relevant resources may include:
- Museum
- Exhibition
- Room
- Offer
- Availability
Availability controls the basic time availability of resources. Availability is defined in 15-minute blocks.
The configuration of availabilities allows a very individual control of the bookability of offers via so-called availability rules.
Alternatively, availabilities can be blocked or released.
Limiting factors
In addition to the availabilities, the bookability of offers can be controlled via so-called limiting factors.
Limiting factors exist analogous to availabilities on all levels of resource management, i.e. for museums, exhibitions, rooms, offers but also for guides.
The following limiting factors are available for single-visitor offers:
- Max. simultaneous participants
- Max. Number of bookings at the same start time
- Max. Number of simultaneous bookings
- Max. Number of bookings on the same day
- Max. Total number of bookings
- Max. Number of bookings per order
go~mus allows you to freely define so-called constants within different categories.
These constants can then be assigned to offers (group and individual visitor offers) in order to categorize them. Furthermore, this enables filtering on the website, in the online shop and in the backend.
The following constants are available:
- Age groups
- Class levels
- Restrictions
- Visitor categories
- Keywords
- Languages
- Target groups
Via the so-called public data, text can be maintained in all activated languages within freely definable fields.
The texts are then printed on PDF templates, displayed in the online shop and output via the API.
The text can be HTML formatted, so it can contain links, images, formatting and more.
Public data can be maintained for museums, exhibitions, rooms, offers and tickets.
Examples for public data of an offer:
- Title
- Subtitle
- Description
- Meeting place
- Image title
- Image description
- Image copyright
The voucher module for your museum.
Sell and redeem value vouchers online and at your cash registers.
Modules in go~mus define sellable products for your museum, with value vouchers being one such product category.
This module enables the sale of value vouchers through your online shop and Korona POS system, as well as their redemption via the online shop, go~mus backend, or at the cash register. This allows you to attract new visitors with gift vouchers—particularly during the holiday season—and strengthen the loyalty of returning guests.
The vouchers are managed as prepaid accounts within the Korona POS system, where all transactions and the remaining balance of each voucher account can be easily tracked.
Vouchers that can be sold across all sales channels are created in go~mus. Simply define the voucher value and assign a name to it.
Once a voucher is created, it becomes available for sale in the online shop. The online shop sells vouchers as PDFs.
Customers can select the quantity for each voucher value, add them to their cart, and pay for them along with other items such as tickets, events, group offers, and annual passes through the regular checkout process using the enabled payment methods.
Value vouchers can be sold through Korona POS systems connected via our partner company, Combase AG.
When purchasing at the cash register, the voucher value can be loaded onto pre-printed, numbered plastic cards in chip card format. Alternatively, vouchers can be printed directly on the receipt or a ticket blank using a number sequence automatically generated by the POS system.
Redeem vouchers at the cash register.
Vouchers can be redeemed in the online shop, the go~mus backend, and at the cash registers, regardless of whether they were purchased through the cash register or the online shop.
The redemption is recorded on the receipt, and the remaining voucher balance is automatically updated in the system.
Partial redemption of voucher values is also possible at the cash register. If a balance remains on the voucher, it can be redeemed at other sales points (cash register or online shop) at a later time.
Vouchers purchased at the cash register or in the online shop can also be redeemed for orders placed by phone or through the backend. Simply enter the voucher code during checkout to apply it.

Manage memberships for your museum.
Grant members easy and barrier-free access to the museum.
The go~mus module Memberships is especially suitable for friends’ groups or sponsoring associations of cultural institutions and museums. In your go~mus instance, you define logical groupings of people and assign them to a membership category of your choice. The system creates a separate barcode or QR code for each membership. With this code, each member is registered separately and automatically, for example, at the entrance facilities.
go~mus allows you to create any number of member categories. For each category, the system outputs an alphanumeric string. Thus, you can print it as a machine-readable code (barcode or QR code) on membership cards.

All access control systems connected via go~mus + entry scan the codes of the membership cards and allow members to enter.

Room rentals
Management and disposition of rooms.
go~mus offers various modules for the management of resources needed for bookings. Besides guides, rooms can also be managed this way.
In each offer, a room requirement must be defined (which can also be zero). Additionally, rooms can be assigned to offers, which can be booked when the offer is booked. If an offer has room demand, it will be checked during booking if one of the assigned rooms is free. The offer can only be booked if the room requirement can be fulfilled.
Further functions facilitate the room administration:
- Room Reservation
- Limiting factors
- Room nesting
- Mandatory and optional room allocation
- Exclusive and non-exclusive room allocation
Für jedes Angebot kann ein Raumbedarf (also die Anzahl benötigter Räume) definiert werden. Diese Festlegung bedingt, dass bei der Buchung des Angebots die eingegebene Anzahl an Räumen gebucht werden muss.
A room requirement (i.e. the number of rooms required) can be defined for each offer. This definition requires that the entered number of rooms must be booked when booking the offer.
Im Buchungsprozess können nur Räume ausgewählt werden, die verfügbar sind. Dazu kann die Verfügbarkeit analog der anderen Datenbereiche in go~mus im Viertelstundentakt über Regeln, einen Generator, Click&Drag, tage- oder wochenweise eingetragen werden.
In the booking process, only rooms that are available can be selected. For this purpose, the availability can be entered analogously to the other data areas in go~mus in quarter-hourly intervals via rules, a generator and Click&Drag. The entries can be made for days or weeks.
Analogous to museums, exhibitions, offers and guides, rooms also have so-called limiting factors that determine how much of what is possible within the rooms.
The following factors exist for rooms:
- Max. simultaneous participants
- Max. Bookings at the same start time
- Max. simultaneous bookings
- Max. Bookings per day
In addition to the general room requirements, it is possible to define which rooms can be occupied by the respective offer.
For this purpose, rooms can be assigned to the offer. Only rooms that are also located in the museum where the offer takes place can be assigned.
It can be defined whether a room is assigned optionally or obligatorily and whether it should be an exclusive room booking.
The combination of numerical room requirements and the assignment of a large number of optionally bookable rooms makes it possible to create classic elective structures, as is for example required when booking seminars.
Offers with room requirements can only be booked if the room requirement can be fulfilled.
If an offer has optional room assignments, the booking process offers the bookable rooms for selection.
If an offer has only mandatory room assignments, the assigned rooms are automatically booked and the “Rooms” step in the booking process is skipped.
Room reservations can be managed via calendars.
For this purpose, there is a calendar for each room, which shows in daily, weekly and monthly view which bookings occupy the room.
Furthermore, there is a daily calendar for all rooms, which clearly displays the occupancy of all rooms among each other in quarter-hourly intervals for a selected day.
Floor Plan
The floor plan module for your museum.
Individual seating plans for your floors & rooms.
Accurate seat bookings for your online-shop, POS & backend.
Seatings are essential components of the go~mus floor plan module, which enables seat-accurate bookings in the backend and online-shop as well as at the cash desks. Any number of seating variants can be defined and rooms and individual seats can be assigned.
Prices are assigned to the respective seating category and each booked attendee automatically receives a seating ticket with barcode, which can be validated in the admission system.
By linking the floor plan module to the special module Room Management, any event can be mapped in it, including a seat-specific booking function.
Seating is configured from properties such as the price category, rows, seats and types. The latter allow freely definable distinctions of seat types, such as “Love Seat” or “Accessible”. A corresponding layout interface for configuration is automatically generated by go~mus.
The entire seating plan can be created quickly and easily using an integrated generator. The design, the arrangement and the titling of the rows and seats are flexible.

In combination with the add-on go~mus + shop, the special module Floor Plan allows you to sell your floor plan-based events through your online-shop.
Point of Sale
The special module Floor Plan enables the sale of events at the point of sale through the connection of the add-on go~mus + Point of sale. When using a customer display, the seating plan and seats can be displayed directly to the customer.
A seating plan design configurator can be used in the backend. With this, all room components, such as seats, seat and price categories, rows and more, can be freely designed quickly and easily.

Using SVG graphics
The go~mus floor plan module has been programmed to allow the creation of floor plans of any complexity. If the predefined configuration options are not sufficient, an SVG graphic of any floor plans’ shape can be uploaded to go~mus. The software automatically recognizes the parameters stored in the graphic script, so that the floor plan graphic can be freely further designed within go~mus.

Annual Tickets
Annual Tickets
Management and sale of annual and other season tickets.
Modules define saleable products in go~mus. Annual tickets are one such product group.
go~mus allows you to manage annual tickets and sell them through all connected sales channels.
For annual ticket sales, the system provides robust processes for personalization and production, as well as for monitoring shipping or pickup.
You can manage any number of annual tickets in go~mus and sell them via the connected sales channels.
The name, validity period, price and sales channels can be customized.
Annual tickets that have been activated for online sale can be purchased there by all customers.
After purchase, customers receive a link for independent online personalization of the purchased tickets. Once the personalization process is complete, the tickets, hence admission cards can be produced and mailed or deposited for on-site pickup.
Annual tickets can also be sold at the cash desk on site. The sale at the cash desk is very simple.
Only personalization at the cash desk has various disadvantages. This is because personalization takes time and requires the connection of suitable printers at all cash desks as well as the provision of suitable card blanks.
That’s why our clients usually outsource personalization to a dedicated workstation.
Customers buy an annual ticket voucher at the cash desk and this is exchanged for the actual annual ticket at the annual ticket counter during the personalization process.
The cards can be produced and issued immediately.
Regardless of the sales channel through which the annual tickets were sold, go~mus provides support for the processes involved in producing and mailing or depositing the tickets.
For all annual tickets whose personalization has been fully completed, go~mus automatically generates print data in accordance with the agreed layout for annual tickets.
Tickets, hence cards that have been printed are automatically marked as ready for dispatch. After dispatch or deposit in the museum, the cards can be marked as “dispatched”.
Manage and sell daily and time slot tickets across all connected sales channels.
Modules define products which can be sold in go~mus. Tickets, i.e. admission tickets for museums or exhibitions in the form of day and time slot tickets, are such products.
You can cover the management and sale of group offers and single visitor offers with dedicated go~mus modules.
The go~mus ticket module allows you to create any number of tickets and quotas. In addition, you can assign tickets to museums or exhibitions and individually define saleability, validity, time slots, sales channels and advance sales times.
By default, tickets are delivered as Print@Home tickets in PDF format. If you wish, you can also use the Passbook module to enable delivery as a Passbook ticket.
A ticket gives access to one or more museums or exhibitions. They can be sold with go~mus via the cash desk, online shop, backend (visitor service) and reseller sales channels.
With the time slot function you define the time period within which visitors possessing a ticket get access. Time slots can be defined in go~mus for between 15 minutes and 12 hours. Tickets without time slots are considered as day tickets.
You can control internal authorization concepts by assigning tickets to museums or exhibitions. You can also create external filters, e.g. in the online shop or at specific interfaces.
Grace periods allow you to control rigid time slot concepts in conjunction with ticket scanners or turnstiles in an accommodating manner.
The function to define a certain number of possible entries allows you to create multiple tickets. It also allows you to link admissions to other concepts, such as external catering, where visitors must leave the museum.
For the sale of group tickets, you can of course define the minimum number. Likewise, you can define the maximum number of tickets that can be purchased.
You can mark a ticket as “reduced” and thus automatically advise the supervisory staff to show the reduction certificate when scanning the ticket.
With a quota, you define the number of tickets that can be sold per time slot and the distribution of this number among the sales channels.
For this purpose, the tickets for which the quota is to apply are assigned to a quota.
You can define different types of quota rules to control the saleability of the assigned tickets:
- Weekday rules (all selected weekdays)
- Calendar day rules (a specific calendar day)
- Holiday rules (all holidays defined under Holiday)
go~mus allows you to sell tickets through the following sales channels: Online shop, cash desk, backend, reseller.
With the help of the quota sales channel control, you can define the respective ticket numbers that can be sold for pre-sales and daily sales, down to the exact percentage.
In this way, you can ensure that a certain number of tickets is held at the cash desk for spontaneous visitors on site. Resellers should only sell the designated quota, so that overall, however, an optimal capacity utilization is achieved.
Management and sale of group offers via all connected sales channels
Modules define saleable products in go~mus. Group offers, i.e. offers for groups of visitors that bundle content, costs and resource requirements, are such products.
The group module allows you to create any number of group offers, assign museums or exhibitions, define space requirements, guide requirements, saleability, validity, time slots, sales channels and presale time individually.
Visitors receive a booking receipt as a PDF document by e-mail when booking group offers.
Each offer must have a defined name. This is primarily used for internal orientation. The external presentation can be configured individually per language via the public data of an offer. More about public data below.
Each offer must be assigned to a museum. This assignment is also the basis for filters in the backend and online shops as well as for access restrictions of the users. Bookings of offers can be evaluated on the basis of the museums.
Furthermore, each offer can be assigned to an exhibition. This assignment also enables corresponding filtering in the backend and online shop. It also ensures inherited resource requirements when rooms are assigned to the exhibition. An evaluation of the bookings of offers based on exhibitions is also possible.
Offers must be assigned to offer categories. This results in the possibility of filtering, but certain attributes of the offer categories are also inherited.
An image can be uploaded for each offer, which is used in the backend and online shop. Furthermore, a color-coded identification can be made, which is used in calendar and list views and makes it easier to find bookings of certain offers again.
go~mus offers different possibilities to determine prices and costs of an offer. In doing so, go~mus always falls back on so-called pricing items. These can originate from a connected merchandise management system or be defined directly in go~mus and contain primarily the taxes in addition to the price.
Flat rate
Group offers are usually priced at a flat rate, i.e. no matter how many people participate, the price is always the same.
The corresponding pricing item is assigned to the offer and then applies when the offer is booked, regardless of the number of participants and the sales channel.
Price per person, graduated prices
This type of pricing is mostly used for single-visitor offers, but can also be used for group offers. In this model, the price of the booking depends on the number of participants per price category/scale price.
For this purpose, the possible scale prices are created, linked to pricing articles and the sales channels available for the respective scale price are defined. For example, the scale price “Free, press” can only be booked by the visitor service, but not by the online shop or the cash desk.
Charging tables
Some institutions work with a usage and fee schedule. This usually defines prices and charges of the offers based on certain parameters.
go~mus makes it possible to create such fee schedules and to ensure the pricing of the offers on the basis of these schedules. For this purpose, a price and guide fee can be entered for each cross product of offer category and customer category, which go~mus then takes into account for all bookings of corresponding offers by specific customers.
Such fee orders can be created globally, per museum, per exhibition and per offer (then only allows definition of costs per customer category) and are taken into account hierarchically by go~mus.
Regular price structures are often broken by exceptions. One of the ways to represent them in the system are surcharges. Surcharges can be defined as optional and mandatory and apply per group or per participant. Furthermore, it can be defined whether surcharges should also be booked in the online shop. There are surcharges on the price that customers have to pay and on the fee that has to be paid to guides.
go~mus allows the following types of surcharges:
- General surcharges: Any surcharges can be mapped here. Since there are no underlying rules, this is best suited to represent optional additional services.
- Sunday surcharges: This can be used to automatically calculate a surcharge for all bookings to which the surcharge applies and which take place on Sundays.
- Customer foreign language surcharge: This can be used to pass on higher guide fee costs for foreign-language tours to customers.
- Foreign language surcharge guide fee: This can be used to automatically calculate a surcharge on the guide fee for all bookings in foreign languages (all languages except German).
- Special surcharge fee: Special surcharges on the guide fee can be booked here.
Language surcharge: Unlike foreign language surcharges, language surcharges can also be charged on bookings in German. - Weekday surcharge: This can be used to automatically calculate surcharges if bookings are
- made on certain weekdays.
Attendee surcharge: This surcharge in conjunction with the flat-rate basic price enables pricing structures with a fixed price for up to a certain number of attendees and attendee-based pricing for all attendees above the threshold. - Time-based surcharge: Time-based surcharges are only applied if the start time of the booking falls within the defined thresholds.
Such surcharges can be created globally, per museum, per exhibition and per offer and are considered hierarchically by go~mus.
Payment methods
go~mus allows to define which payment methods are available for each offer.
This does not include the payment methods offered by the payment service provider connected to the online shop. Since these cannot be defined on an offer-specific basis, they are defined globally in the backend of the payment service provider.
However, it can be configured, for example, whether an offer may be booked on account or on “on-site payment”.
Guide fee
In addition to the prices, the costs are also defined in the offer. The guide fee can be defined per booking or per hour. This value is automatically used for the fee calculation when booking the offer.
Unlike for individual visitor offers, the bookability for group offers is not determined by predefined dates.
The bookability of group offers depends on the time availability and resource utilization of all required resources.
Decisive factors can be:
- Museum
- Exhibition
- Room
- Offer
Availability controls the basic time availability of resources. Availability is defined in 15-minute blocks.
The configuration of availabilities allows a very individual control of the bookability of offers via so-called availability rules.
Alternatively, availabilities can be blocked or released.
Limiting factors
In addition to the availabilities, the bookability of offers can be controlled via so-called limiting factors.
Limiting factors exist analogous to availabilities on all levels of resource management, i.e. for museums, exhibitions, rooms, offers but also for guides.
The following limiting factors are available:
- Max. simultaneous participants
- Max. Number of bookings at the same start time
- Max. Number of simultaneous bookings
- Max. Number of bookings on the same day
- Max. Total number of bookings
In addition to controlling the sales channels, the saleability of group offers can still be controlled by the following parameters:
- Periods for validity: Enables the temporal control of the bookable dates (For when can it be bought).
- Periods for saleability: Enables the temporal control of the saleability (When can it be bought)
- Shop Assignments: For multi-shop instances, enables to control in which online shop which offer is sold.
- Institutions: Allows to enable the purchase of offers only to customers who belong to specific institutions.
go~mus allows you to freely define so-called constants within different categories.
These constants can then be assigned to offers (group and individual visitor offers) to categorize them, as well as to enable filtering on the website, in the online shop and in the backend.
The following constants are available:
- Age groups
- Class levels
- Restrictions
- Visitor categories
- Keywords
- Languages
- Target groups
Via the so-called public data, text can be maintained in all activated languages within freely definable fields.
The texts are then printed on PDF templates, displayed in the online shop and output via the API.
The text can be HTML formatted, so it can contain links, images, formatting and more.
Public data can be maintained for museums, exhibitions, rooms, offers and tickets.
Examples for public data of an offer:
- Title
- Subtitle
- Description
- Meeting place
- Image title
- Image description
- Image copyright